Go Net Zero Through Geothermal Heating

Go Net Zero Through Geothermal Heating

As part of the fight against climate change, scientists and many governments are calling for a serious reduction in worldwide carbon emissions. The goal is to go net zero through geothermal heating, solar, wind and other forms of alternative energy. We can reduce emissions while undertaking activities (like planting trees and using solar power) that […]

Take Part In Canada’s Net Zero By 2050 Pledge

Take Part In Canada’s Net Zero By 2050 Pledge

Canada has signed on to the global Net Zero by 2050 challenge. Over 120 countries are taking part in the effort to reduce all carbon emissions to a point where any remaining emissions are offset by the amount of carbon removed from the environment. This is an important but ambitious pledge that calls on companies […]

How to Choose Your Geothermal Contractor

how to choose your geothermal contractor

Once you have decided that Geothermal Energy is right for you, the next key step is finding the right installer! Selecting a qualified geothermal contractor for your system’s installation is paramount. Unfortunately, many conventional contractors and builders lack geothermal expertise. They might guide you towards familiar solutions that maximize their profits rather than your benefits. […]

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