Geothermal heat pumps: What you don’t know about them can cost you big

If you’re thinking about buying a home with a geothermal heat pump you may have multiple goals. Energy efficiency and saving on heating and cooling costs are likely the two of the biggest reasons. Read on to discover how not all geothermal heat pumps are the same and how to know which is best for […]
Why Geothermal In Rural Alberta Is Taking Off Right Now

A labour shortage could be a boon for the use of geothermal in rural Alberta. Recent global events have increased the need for oil drilling in Canada. But at the moment, workers in the oil industry are hard to come by. This labour shortage has caused some issues in other industries that employ drillers, including […]
Financial Incentives For Geothermal Help Alberta Go Green

There’s no doubt about it. The cost of a heating and cooling system for a home, whether it is a new build or a retrofit, is one of the largest portions of a budget. But no other upgrade to your living space or condition where you are looking for efficiencies can have a larger impact […]
Natural Gas Or Geothermal? Albertans Look For New Ways To Heat The Home

There has always been a fair amount of fluctuation in the price of natural gas used to heat homes and businesses. Up until the last year or so, that fluctuation stayed in a fairly small range, keeping gas heating relatively economical when compared to other heating solutions such as an all-electric furnace. But the landscape […]
Go Net Zero Through Geothermal Heating

As part of the fight against climate change, scientists and many governments are calling for a serious reduction in worldwide carbon emissions. The goal is to go net zero through geothermal heating, solar, wind and other forms of alternative energy. We can reduce emissions while undertaking activities (like planting trees and using solar power) that […]
Take Part In Canada’s Net Zero By 2050 Pledge

Canada has signed on to the global Net Zero by 2050 challenge. Over 120 countries are taking part in the effort to reduce all carbon emissions to a point where any remaining emissions are offset by the amount of carbon removed from the environment. This is an important but ambitious pledge that calls on companies […]
Incentives Are Moving Fast For Renewable Energy Systems, Are You Taking Advantage Yet?

The nationwide Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP) is just as popular as expected in most areas, and the window to take advantage of this program, at least in 2023, is already starting to close. The program provides grants and low-interest loans for clean energy upgrades such as geothermal heating and cooling systems. It provides a mechanism by which […]